Monday, July 5, 2010

How to Disable System Restore From the Command Prompt

System Restore was a feature introduced by Microsoft in its Windows Me and XP operating sytems, and continues to be a part of the Vista and Windows 7 versions. It works by monitoring certain files and parts of the operating system, and then making backup copies of them. Thus, system restore can help fix your computer if you install bad files or drivers. In Windows XP, it's possible to disable the System Restore from the command prompt.

Step 1
Log into your computer with administrative privileges.

Step 2
Go to Start --> Run. The Run window will open.

Step 3
Type "cmd.exe" in the Run window. This will open a command prompt.

Step 4
At the command prompt, type "net stop System Restore Services".

Step 5
You should see a message saying that the System Restore Services process has been stopped.

Tips & Warnings:
Note that this will only stop the service until the next boot. To completely turn off the System Restore service, go through the System Properties tab in My Computer and uncheck the "System Restore" box.